Day: June 9, 2021

Dr. Mira Ray
June 9, 2021

A true innovation in business goes well beyond the dry, clinical definition and encompasses many things. This includes vision, real-world experience, hardcore R&D, frequent failure, continuous iteration, to name a few. In fact, the actual definition of innovation is so entrenched in these concepts that a single line can’t define it. It is a process that takes skill, training, and critical thinking to master, none of which are included in the dictionary definition.

Seven Insightful Quotes on Business Innovation

A true innovation in business goes well beyond the dry, clinical definition and encompasses many things. This includes vision, real-world experience, hardcore R&D, frequent failure, continuous iteration, to name a few. In fact,Merriam Webster defines innovation as either "a new idea, method, or device", or "the introduction of something new." While these definitions are technically correct, for anyone who has tried to introduce innovation into their business or whose business depends on innovation for survival, the r[...]